Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Value Of The Social Security Trust Fund

"What I enjoy most, is living like an aristocrat without the burden of having to be one…. I don't envy them. It's only the trappings of aristocracy that I find worthwhile - the fine furniture, the paintings, the sliver--the very things they have to sell when the money runs out. And it always does, and all they are left with is their lovely manners." - Jim Williams in Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil.

It is de rigueur conservative politics to call the Social Security Trust Fund a collection of worthless IOUs. This presents a serious problem for Americans worried about the subject because hyperbole will condition people to believe that the Social Security system can't get into worse shape, when in fact the situation can and will get much worse.

These are serious think tanks, journalists, and investment magazines.

  • "As they are bonds not backed by any real assets, the government will have to either borrow or raise taxes to pay for them" ~ The Heritage Foundation
  • "They do not consist of real economic assets that can be drawn down in the future to fund benefits." In other words, the Social Security trust fund contains - nothing." ~ Charles Krauthammer
  • "Officially, the trust fund holds $2.6 trillion in special-issue Treasury bonds. In reality, it has no assets of any value", ~ Investors Business Daily
According to IBD, 28% of Americans have already become comfortable with the idea that Social Security contains nothing but worthless IOUs when in fact the assets are far from worthless. No hard assets? The government has significant hard assets in gold and oil. It is the largest land holder in the country. It has a pending revenue stream coming from 16 trillion dollars held in tax deferred accounts. The government today has the hardest asset in the country – the power to print money. This power is absolutely the hardest asset because it undermines every other asset in the country.

The problem isn’t that the securities held by the Social Security Trust Fund are worthless. The problem is that they are worth less every day, and will be worthless one day. Every day the government makes more promises, borrows more money and prints more money. The collective promises are growing much faster than our hard-assets. They are growing faster than our tax base. We are basically a family living on wealth which is running out. And if you don’t think it can get worse just wait until all we have left is our lovely manners.

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